Born on July 5, 1975, Vanessa Chase got her start in hardcore in 1994 with a series of pro-am tapes that whetted the public's appetite for her brand of crazily sexual frenzy. It didn't take porn producers long to realize that they had a rare gem on their hands, and soon Vanessa Chase was sexing her way through scores of hardcore videos. Despite her sweet and pixieish facade, Vanessa Chase could throw it down with the nastiest of them, and never backed away from a wild good time. She loved interracial scenes, letting herself be driven toward ecstacy by the hugest black studs in the biz. She did shaving scenes, anals, group gropes -- just about anything sexual you can think of, she did on camera (usually several time!).
A truly gorgeous and sexy young thing, Porn Star Vanessa Chase was one of the real fan faves of the mid-90s. She stood out as something truly different. In a porn world filled with bleach-blonde, breast-inflated strumpets, Vanessa Chase's cutie-pie brunette looks were a real departure. Blessed with a scrumptious medium-breasted body and one of the sweetest, prettiest faces ever seen in hardcore, Vanessa Chase was an achingly alluring young woman whose every movement seemed an exercise in sensuality.
She was at her down-and-dirty best in ‘Takin' It to the Limit', in a gang bang scene that demonstrated her unhinged, unfettered sexual sizzle as no one-on-one scene possibly could. Vanessa Chase never got the accolades that she sincerely deserved, remaining a second-tire porn starlet throughout her carnal career.
Appeared only once under her own name, in Romancing Sara (1995). All other movies were done under her professional name of Vanessa Chase, beginning with Video Virgins 9 (1994) (V). In the following two years she appeared in over 100 adult videos. She was noted for her enthusiastic performances, as well as her personal beauty and charm. Abruptly retired after two years in the business. The beauteous Ms. Chase left the business in early 1998 and moved to Brazil, leaving behind a rabid fan base that recognized her as one of the hottest women to ever sex for the cameras. Vanessa Chase is one porn starlet who is truly missed by anyone who ever saw her in all her chipmunk-cheeked, short-haired, sex-crazed glory.