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Christy Chasm, Peter Northerly modish bdsm lover lets the enslaved screw her modish 70s porn

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Christy Canyon, Peter North in bdsm mistress lets the slave fuck her in 70s porn

Christy Canyon AKA ( Christie Canyon, Cristy Canyon, Missy, Sara Wine, Tara White, Tara Wine ). Birthday: June 17, 1966. Astrology: Gemini. Birthplace: Pasadena, United States. Years Active: 1984 – 2011. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Nationality/Heritage: American , Italian , Armenian. Hair Color: Brown. Measurements: 36DD-24-36. Height: 173. Weight: 59. Frequent partners. Heather Wayne, Marc Wallace, Peter North, Ron Jeremy, Tom Byron.

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2015-03-19 04:36:03
Duration: 763sec.

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