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Les Contes Immoraux

06ac7db514moraux Les Contes Immoraux

A peine sorti, ce film est devenu l’événement des festivals du X en obtenant les prix les plus prestigieux. Que ce soit la critique ou le public, tout le monde est unanime pour considérer ce grand moment du hard comme la référence en la matière.

Lenght: 01:09:33

Year: 1995

Director: Mario Salieri

Anita Dark   
Diana Stevenson   
Eva Orlowsky   
Giongy Fodor   
Masha Kley   
Michaela Soavi   
Nathalie Romel   
Sylvia Laurent   
Andrew Youngman   
David Perry   
Don Fernando   
Jean-Yves Le Castel   
John Walton   
Ron Jeremy   
Julian St. Jox   
Walter Midolo   

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Adolescenza Perversa

028bc72f12rversa Adolescenza Perversa

After having made headlines in the chronicles of X and unleashed passions with his masterpiece, VIVA ITALIA, Mario Salieri, strikes again even harder this time with VIVA ITALIA 2! A master alchemist of hard art, he turns this film of love and war into a booming blend of sordid sensuality. A historic recreation realistic down to every detail.

Lenght: 01:06:57

Year: 1994

Director: Mario Salieri

Deborah Wells   
Elodie Cherie   
Georgina Davis   
Lydia Chanel   
Kathy Marceau   
Lara Lambkin   
Nathaly Boet   
Angela Ambrus   
Tabatha Cash   
Christoph Clark   
Francesco Malcom   
Jean-Yves Le Castel   
John Walton   
Philippe Soine   
Piero Pieri   
Richard Langin   
Ubaldo Fazi   

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Biz-arre Women

b507530a1fwomen Biz arre Women

There are definitely some biz-arre women in this one. Bizarre women with a biz-arre fantasy. To fuck and suck a midget. To get a little person off. Luckily, that’s where Mr. Shortstud comes in. And then comes in their mouths. In between getting him off there is a nice lesbian foursome!

Lenght: 00:57:40

Year: 1982

Director: N/A

Cara Lott   
Laurien Dominique   
Luis De Jesus   

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