Der Perverse Priester

Video Teresa Orlowski № 7131.
Lenght: 01:20:33
Year: 1993
Director: Gerard Haliser
Steve Vincent
Lilith Unleashed

Forbidden Fruit Was Never This Juicy!!!There isn’t a woman alive as wicked – or as wonderful – as Lilith!!! Banished from the Garden of Eden for tasting the “forbidden fruit” of Satan- Lilith embarks on a wicked trail of wanton sex and perverse black magic!!! At an isolated resort- Lilith turns a married couple- a lust-crazed bombshell- and a nice little girl named Mary into her willing sex partners!!! What she makes them do will boggle your mind – and MORE!!! So come…if you dare…into the lusty- forbidden world of LILITH UNLEASHED!!!
Lenght: 01:23:43
Year: 1985
Director: Henri Pachard
Barbara Dare
The Best Of Lydia Channel

German Bestseller from Teresa Orlowski
Lenght: 01:26:16
Year: 1995
Director: N/A
Julia Chanel
Hollywood Ho’ House

When Hollywood’s brightest stars are looking for nookie, they turn to the source: The HOLLYWOOD HO’ HOUSE. One quick call is all it takes to get your hands on some of the finest hardbodies to ever turn a trick. Unfortunately, the cops know the number too, and their ensuing bust of Hollywood’s most notorious Madame has all the earmarks of a scandal…with a capital “S”.
Lenght: 01:24:25
Year: 1994
Director: Thomas Paine
Waterbabies 2

This time the waterbabie are terrorizing a private women’s club, and this time Paula Price is bringing a friend! Playboy lingerie superstar Shanen Steel! “Waterbabies 2”, It’s 2 hot 2 believe!
Lenght: 01:14:03
Year: 1992
Director: Jim Enright
Alicia Rio